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A member registered Sep 04, 2022

Recent community posts

Hey all! Thank you all so much for your patience with waiting for the announcement of this challenge. After much debate and review of footage, we gotta say it wasn’t easy to pick and choose who would receive this prize! 

It is with great pleasure that I announce @CloudBoyo winning this round of draws as we position ourselves into setting up for the next game in all its updated glory!

Thank you so much for all your submissions so far and love you’ve shown this game as if it weren’t for fans like you guys, we wouldn’t have the motivation to set our sights high enough to do something extra special for the community on the whole 

Ah yes, this artist used to have a twitter called Tsuchinokocoin 

They deleted it recently and I’m not entirely sure why that is

They have a fur affinity page if you’re still interested in their work!